With the Lord guiding us, we have come to the difficult decision to suspend in-person worship.
Christmas Eve 8pm and Christmas Day 10am services will be online only, to allow us to celebrate in the safety of our homes.
Join by internet video conferencing
Install the ZOOM app on your Ipad or Android device OR
Use your internet web browser and navigate to ZOOM at https://www.zoom.us/join
Join meeting, using Meeting ID: 814 4427 8398 and Password: 1881
Or use the link below:
Join by phone (long distance charges may apply)
Dial either
+1 647 374 4685 (Toronto) OR
+1 647 558 0588 (Toronto) OR if both circuits are busy,
+1 778 907 2071 (Vancouver)
At the prompt, dial the meeting ID 814 4427 8398, followed by #.
When prompted for the attendee number, skip by pressing #.
When prompted for a password, dial 1881, followed by #.