Holy Trinity Clearview amalgamated in 2017, worshiping in Duntoon, Ontario. This Amalgamated Anglican Parish serves Jesus Christ in the villages of Singhampton, Duntroon and Batteaux and surrounding rural area by combining the human, capital and spiritual resources of the three parishes to create a single parish that will be greater than the sum of its parts.
We will endeavour to honour our past,
Engage fully with the present,
And move boldly, with faith, into the future
We are called to love God, and love our neighbors. Through the generous efforts of parish supporters, both monetary and non-monetary donations were made possible to the following organizaions:
– Osprey Central School Annual Music Award
– Singhampton Union Cemetery
– Nottawa Public School – educational initiatives
– The Door Youth Centre in Stayner
– Youth Food Program at Collingwood Public Library
– Non-monetary supplies for My Friends House and food bank donations
All of our funds are raised by the generosity of our community. Please consider donating.